Free bass book

You jave just bought an electric bass but don’t know where to start? I have prepared the ebook “5 Steps for a Good Start”, a new introductory electric bass course available for free in my website and inspired to the method I use in my school

Download it now for free!

A very practical booklet which teaches you the main elements you need to know to effectively approach this instrument, enabling you to immediately play your first bass lines.


What you will find:

  • 42-page PDF file → 5 lessons with short explanations + 15 pratical exercises + 22 bass lines
  • 22 Mp3s → play-a-long files

It’s free… and it is packed with lots of materials and tips that are essential to learn the correct initial approach to the instrument.

Of course these lessons have a very elementary level because their purpose is to gradually introduce you to the first basics of the electric bass.

However if you can already play, you can use this text to review your knowledge. And you can just as well use the music tracks to train your ability to play scales, chords and improvisation!

In any case, I am sure this ebook will help you to have a really good start with the bass.

Have fun!

PS.1 Maybe you are not a bass player, but a friend of yours is. Send them to this page because they might find it extremely useful.
PS.2 The music tracks can be used to play along with any instrument. If you are a musician, you can exploit them anyway (hope you see what I mean…).

Are you Italian? Download it here:

13 commenti

  1. Non ho compreso se tale manuale di didattica è gratis …o altro …. alla sezione scarica … non c’è alcun download. … solo un immagine ….. se può specificare la ringrazio anticipatamente….

    • Dovrebbe esserti arrivato il link via mail, se ci sono problemi scrivimi a tizzan @ (senza lasciare gli spazi nell’indirizzo)

  2. Thank you. This is for my grandson.

  3. Grazie Anna!!
    Grazie Tiziano!!!

    evvai di blues….

  4. Hi, There is no link to download the e-book and tracks.

  5. Conteúdo muito bacana, diria excelente. Transmitido de forma muitoclara e eficiente.

  6. Ciao,
    nonostante diversi tentativi in diversi anni di iniziare uno studio ben strutturato e progressivo del basso elettrico, ancora oggi non sono riuscita. Il mio cruccio è l’impostazione delle mani che ormai dopo tanti anni di “fai da te” trovo davvero complicato rimettere a posto. Ho letto di questi manuali e lezioni on line e volevo chiedere…come posso regolarmi sul livello da acquistare? il volume 1 è per principianti assoluti? o visto i miei problemi di impostazione mi conviene partire davvero da zero? ( sperando di potercela fare ). Grazie mille per le informazioni.

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